
Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

UK RETAIL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (Queuing: Is it really the British way?)

6 July, 2013 Leave a comment

Have you ever queued at a retailer check-out, having most of tills unattended?

While most of European retailers are taking care, particularly on pick days (as Saturdays are), to ensure all hard check-out capabilities are up and running, some UK colleagues don’t care. Seriously it’s the worst ever experience you might face, acting as consumer.

Having spent time queuing in UK (tills, fuel posts, cash withdrawal machines…), for the last three years, sometimes I find stupid keeping the queue with my trolley whilst most of tills are unattended. Reason given by the check-out lead-hand it’s pretty simple: “employees are on holidays rotation”, and if you plan to go by Saturday (at 10am) you should be prepared to queue! Curiously when you interact with other consumers queuing about the reasons, they simply smile…

Trying to be constructive (and assertive), I complain. I have dropped them, through multiple channels (Facebook, Twitter, personally to the shop manager…). I promise you, my expectation is systematically the same: getting change. However, and always with a polite manner, they give you nice structured/ standardised “learn by heart” replies, with nothing behind the words. Next Saturday, be sure if you repeat the same shop, you will get exactly the same experience.

On top of this, the retailer that I have on top of my mind, whilst I am writing this post, recently decided to maximise shop profitability (I guess for some fancy KPI Read more…


13 June, 2013 Leave a comment

A good friend of mine explained how he workaround to connect a TomTom GO930 to a Blackberry 9320 with a Carrier 1 SIM card (BB add-on included)

  • Go to TomTom device and delete any reference to the BB9320, if any
  • Ensure your TomTom device is updated with the latest release (he updated last week: early June- 2013)
  • Pair the BB9320 to the GO930 over Bluetooth9320 Read more…

P029| RPA- Rapid Plant Assessment. Safety, environment, cleanliness and order

24 May, 2013 2 comments

I need to recognize for this category it’s the easiest, for me, probably because my large exposure working for pharmaceutical and FMCG (mainly food) industries where quality compliance should be always highly rated (i.e. BRC, HACCP/ ACCPP, EFQM…)

Come on! I’m convinced you feel exactly the same, when you foot crosses the main door facility. The first impression you get it’s about cleanliness and order: absence of liquid leaks, no floor spots, areas well identified/ delimited, how workers are dressed, PPE (personal protective equipment) in place, how machines look like… On these high class environments everything is easy to find, and believe me when I say you it’s not massively expensive and the impression your visitors gets it’s incredibly positive. Read more…


22 August, 2010 Leave a comment


11 July, 2010 Leave a comment

Andres Iniesta (a Barça midfielder) has put Spain on top of the football world, with the only goal of the match, against The Netherlands! Thanks.

How to set up the LINKSYS WRE54G WIFI repeater

27 May, 2010 Leave a comment

Pay attention the standard setting is just reachable through a browser if you type this IP address:

  • Make a reset. How? (introduce a thin pointer for 10seconds, on the RESET, and the device will be switched off for 30 s)
  • Not necessary the self-setup, and it’s not necessary it is the Cisco/ Linksys router (I’ve the Xavi 7968)
  • Put the router w/o WDS (and it doesn’t switch on), w/o security
  • The ethernet Port 1 (router) to the computer, and the Port 2 to the Linksys repeater
  • You can access to the repeater through the ip (don’t place anything on the Gateway, and leave it with, as default setup), and the router to
  • The SSID will be exactly bespoken as the router’s one
  • Router security will be set up to WPA on the repeater
  • Save the security and the changes made
  • Ensure the router is on the same wifi channel than the repeater and the security is on (WPA)
  • Essentially everything is done!
  • I have a Belkin USB/ Ethernet concentrator , where two printers are wired and 2 Hard-disks and everything works great!


12 July, 2009 5 comments
  • Ir a cualquier casa de materiales y comprar un saco de borada (ATENCIÓN, que no lleve resina, o deberemos ralentizar el proceso, puesto que el material, una vez aplicado, se secará extraordinariamente rápido, para lo que es usual). Ej. medio saco para 50m2 de superficie a borar.
  • Utilizar un capazo, una paleta, una llana de goma, y un rollo de “nanas” gigante.
  • Prepararemos un capazo de mezcla (polvo de borada y agua) que quede moderadamente espeso (más bien líquido).
  1. Limpiaremos con salfuman, y una escoba vieja, el vaso de la piscina….¿cómo? hacemos una pequeña obertura en la botella, y apretando nos permite dirigir “el chorro” que extenderemos con la escoba vieja (frotando en las áreas dónde la ranuras están ligeramente verdosas)
  2. Aclaramos con abundante agua.
  3. Sacamos la rendija del sifón (del vaso de la piscina)
  4. Enchegamos brevemente la bomba (si esta cebada, puesto que en caso contrario, nos tocará vaciarlo “a cubos”), en modo vaciado, para que no pase por el filtro.
  5. Verteremos el contenido del capazo, en diferentes partes del suelo del vaso de la piscina, y lo extenderemos (con la llana de goma), en diagonal, de la parte poco “honda”, a la más honda.
  6. A continuación prepararemos capazos, con material más espeso, para comenzar con las paredes (puesto que de lo contrario, regalimará), y lo ponemos como si enyesaramos (con la llana cargada de material, de abajo arriba, refregandolo por la pared, asegurándonos que todas las rendijas quedan repletas de material)
  7. Cuando tengamos todas las paredes, y escaleras (de obra, si las hubiera), procederemos con la lana metálica (nanas) a frotar el excedente.
  8. Conviene dejar, desde que aplicamos hasta que empezamos a rascar, 1-2 horas.
  9. Aclaramos las paredes para sacar el polvo y ya habremos acabado.
  10. Sacaremos el agua “sucia” que habrá quedado (p.ej. si la bomba esta cebada, con la palanca en modo vaciado -para que la suciedad no pase al filtro-, se irá al desagüe)
  11. Llenamos la piscina, transcurridas 24 hr (llenar mi piscina, de 40m3 aprox, con 1 manguera 28hr)


8 July, 2009 4 comments

Empresa catalana fiable y seria (SEI.CO- Fernando Vacas)

¿Qué vigilar del panel del clorador?

  • pH que esté entre 7.2-7.6 (el jerricane del Ácido clorhídrico- o aminorador de pH, debe tener contenido)
  • Que la producción de Cl se sitúe entorno 670 mVA

De vez en cuando hacer prueba de alcalinidad (hay unas tiras que venden que miran simuláteamente -introduciéndolas en el agua de la piscina- la alcalinidad, pH y CL)

La alcalinidad bajísima, resta efecto al Cl (suele dar valores altísimos de Cloro), y la alcalinidad se baja con un producto adecuado.

Si la concentración de Cl es elevado, a pesar de tener todo el resto de parámetros correcto, pensar en hacer una analítica del agua, para justificar -o no- la sustitución total del agua.

Con un clorador salino, la duración del agua, puede estar entre 4-7 años, pero si comenzamos a añadir productos químicos, saturamos químicamente el agua, y el descontrol, únicamente tiene -por sustitución del agua- su solución.

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